Post Timeline
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Prometheus and Lasagna
After hundreds of thousands of years of the species homo sapiens, it’s truly amazing to be the first person to achieve, create, or experience something. Maybe someday I’ll create an algorithm or prove a theorem which will change the world. Perhaps one day ...
Orthogonal projection onto an affine subspace
Projection onto a vector subspace is a common task in linear algebra courses. Affine subspaces, sets of the form $ \{ \mathbf{v} \in \mathbb{R}^m : \exists \mathbf{c} : \mathbf{v} = \mathbf{Ac} + \mathbf{b} \} $ for fixed matrix $\mathbf{A}$ and ...
Transparent videos from Blender to the web
A quick guide to get your cool render out of Blender and onto the web, with transparency/alpha!
Behavior of conjugate gradient residual
An often stressed property of the conjugate gradient method (CG) for solving linear systems is the monotonic decrease in the A-norm of the error. When CG is applied in practice the exact solution is unknown and the error cannot be computed or tracked, so ...
Finding a rank 1 matrix orthogonal to another matrix
Recently I needed to solve the following problem: given a square matrix $\mathbf{A}$ find another square matrix $\mathbf{B}$ satisfying $\text{vec}(\mathbf{A})^T \text{vec}(\mathbf{B}) = 0$. This is the sense in which I use the word orthogonal ...
This website: thoughts and history
How many parentheses can Python handle?
During my office hours today I was asked whether “an extra pair of parentheses” would do any harm to the execution of a Python program. In the case at hand the answer was “no”, but I suspected there might be actually be a limit on ...
A sufficient condition for non-negative solutions to non-negative linear systems
Here we are concerned with “non-negative” linear systems, that is, linear systems where $\mathbf{A}, \mathbf{b} \geq \mathbf{0}$ (elementwise). In particular, we give a sufficient condition for ...
The space of matrices where LU requires pivoting is almost full-dimensional
The pivoted LU factorization of square matrices is the key routine for the direct solution of linear systems. All square, invertible matrices have a pivoted LU factorization of the form $\mathbf{PA} = \mathbf{LU}$, ...
LLVM will win the Turing Award
The LLVM Project, which focuses on “modular and reusable compiler technologies” has had an enormous impact on the field of compilers, and by extension almost every kind of “applied” computer science.
Expected profit for a 50/50 Raffle
An auto race I recently attended also ran a 50/50 raffle, which is where a single winner receives 50% of the money collected from ticket sales.
Linear Algebra Pronunciation Guide
Like all fields of mathematics, linear algebra has many prominent figures whose names are non-trivial to pronounce in English (the lingua franca of science and mathematics).
Interior eigenvectors of symmetric matrices are saddle points
Eigenpairs of symmetric matrices are intimately related to optimization and critical points, with the eigenvectors being critical points of the Rayleigh quotient. In optimization settings, the type of critical point (minimum, maximum, ...
Relationship between power iteration and gradient descent
Although the majority of successful algorithms for the symmetric tensor eigenvalue problem use optimization techniques directly, there are a few notable algorithms that do not appear to be based on optimization. Rather, they more closely ...
The theoretical minimum time for competition speed climbing
After watching a short documentary on the state and progress of competition speed climbing, with times going ever lower and quotes like “we never though X time was possible, and now were not sure how low times will go” I was ...
Traditional Chain Pizza Review
A review of traditional style pizzas from national chains (specifically those in the Urbana, IL area) including: Domino’s, Jet’s, Little Ceasars, Papa John’s, and Pizza Hut.
Deep Dish Chain Pizza Review
A review of deep dish and pan style pizzas from national chains (specifically those in the Urbana, IL area) including: Domino’s, Jet’s, Little Ceasars, Papa John’s and Pizza Hut.
An alternative method to compute Gauss's sum
Gauss famously (and possibly fictionally) computed the sum between 1 and 100 at a young age. His original logic relies on symmetry and geometrical thought, especially triangles.
Uncle Gimpy's Intellectifier
An old reference sheet with simple formulae for length, area, volume as well as useful conversions. It’s called Uncle Gimpy’s Intellectifier, and is meant to be folded up and kept in a wallet or purse. This is certainly from a time before internet ...
Prime number detector
Input a number to determine if it is prime.
Re() and Im() as complex numbers
A summer day in 2019 reading Complex Variables and Applications by Churchill inspired what I now realize is almost certainly a useless (but perhaps slightly amusing) result. Enjoy.
Calculating the number of atoms in the Sun
It is said Freeman Dyson attempted to complete this task at the age of 4 or 5.