Get transparent videos out of Blender and onto the web

A quick guide to get your cool render out of Blender and onto the web, with transparency/alpha!

Out of Blender

For renders to intermediate frame images you can use the following Blender settings in the Properties Editor:

Render > Film > Transparent (check it)
Output > Output > File Format > PNG
Output > Output > Color > RGBA

For a small renders directly to video files (bad practice) I used the following settings:

Render > Film > Transparent (check it)
Output > Output > Container > QuickTime
Output > Output > Video > QT rle / QT Animation
Output > Output > Video > Keyframe Interval > 1  (seemed to make video smoother)
Output > Output > File Format > FFmpeg Video
Output > Output > Color > RGBA

Onto the web

For rendering to frames, you’ll obviously need to combine them into a video. You can do this on the command line with the all-powerful ffmpeg:

ffmpeg -pattern_type glob -r <frame rate> -i "*.png" <output>.webm

where we assume the current working directory contains only .png files of the frames.

For rendering direct to video, I found the resulting .mov file didn’t seem to work when placed on a website (tested on FireFox 127) even though it played fine with transparency locally. Let’s again use ffmpeg to convert it:

ffmpeg -i <start>-<end>.mov <output>.webm

Either way, you should now have a .webm file that can easily be inserted into a webpage:

    <source src="<output>.webm">


I wrote this guide because multiple examples and tutorials trying to accomplish this did not work (or not completely), so I had to patch together this workflow. However, like the giants whose shoulders I stand on, this may not work for you either; sorry.

A fun quote

posted 2024-07-13